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中南大学名师名家学术论坛:Probing the brain a cell at a time: from new measurement tools to new chemical insights

发布时间:2018-05-21    浏览次数:

报告题目:中南大学名师名家学术论坛:Probing the brain a cell at a time: from new measurement tools to new chemical insights

报  告  人:Jonathan V. Sweedler 教授 (AC杂志主编)

时       间: 2018年05月28日上午10:00

地       点: bat365官网登录入口133多媒体报告厅


Jonathan V. Sweedler教授现被授予James R. Eiszner Family 化学荣誉教授,并于1991年至今在美国伊利诺伊大学-香槟分校任化学系教授以及化学科学院主任。


同时,现任美国Analytical Chemistry 杂志的主编(editor-in-chief),曾荣获美国化学学会分析化学部颁发的仪表奖、匹兹堡分析化学奖等。

Dr. Sweedler currently holds the James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry, is a Center for Advanced Study Professor of Chemistry, as well as the Director of the School of Chemical Sciences.

The research emphasis of his group is on analytical biochemistry. This includes the development of analytical methods for single-cell analysis, mass spectrometry imaging methods, peptidomics analysis and metabolomic analysis. These methods are applied to studying novel neurochemical pathways in a cell-specific manner and discovering the roles that peptide hormones, neurotransmitters, and neuromodulatory agents play in behavior, learning, and memory.

He is currently Editor in Chief of Analytical Chemistry (see announcement in C&EN News) and serves on the Chemical Science Advisory Board.