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Catalysis by design: well-defined single-site heterogeneous catalysts

发布时间:2017-12-18    浏览次数:

报告题目:Catalysis by design: well-defined single-site heterogeneous catalysts

报  告  人:Jean-Marie Basset 院士

时       间: 2017年12月22日(星期五)上午10:30―11:10

地       点: 新化学楼133报告厅


Prof. Jean Marie Basset is a Distinguished Professor in the PSE of KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology), the Director of the KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC). Improvement in the catalytic processes across the chemical and petroleum industries will increase resources and energy utilization efficiencies and reduce waste. Needs for breakthroughs in catalysis are imperative requirements to meet the energy challenges “beyond petroleum”: the use of CO2Natural Gas and CO utilization, and efficient photo catalysts for water splitting are crucial domains for catalysis. To meet these challenges, the field must advance from catalyst discovery to catalysis by design. Prof Basset has recently develop a theory to predict any catalytic reaction on the basis of the catalysis by design with single site catalysis.

Prof. Basset served as scientific director of the School of Chemistry, Physics and Electronics at the University of Lyon in France. He was appointed Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) in 1987, and funded his laboratory of Surface Organometallic Chemistry that he has held since 1994. Prof. Basset’s Lyon lab was home to 50 scientists, including Nobel Laureate Yves Chauvin. Jean Marie came to CNRS in 1971 and has occupied several positions, including vice director of the Institute of Catalysis (Lyon). He has written more than 600 publications in international journals, he holds 70 patents most of them world ones.

获得荣誉:欧洲科学院院士,法国科学院院士,法国工程院院士,厦门大学荣誉教授,慕尼黑工大荣誉教授,Augustine Award of the ORCS (US); Distinguished Achievements Award of IMPI (USA); Academy of Sciences Award; Seaborg Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry (US); Max Plank Award (DE); Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences Award (JP); Alexander Von Humboldt Award;