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Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering

Time:2021-04-22    Visits:

Pharmaceutical Engineering of Central South University is an application-oriented discipline intercrossing chemistry, pharmacy and engineering, which aims at cultivating talents engaged in drug manufacturing, and development and design of new technologies, equipment and products. Adhering to the educational policy of "Widening Caliber, Deepening Foundation, Manifesting Features, and Highlighting Innovation", the department cultivates advanced and sophisticated professionals in pharmaceutical engineering related fields with the qualification of “Hard Work and Responsibility, Elite Accomplishment and IndustryLeadership".

The subject was approved by the Ministry of Education in 1999, and was formally established in 2000. In the same year, the discipline was granted the right to confer master's degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering. In 2002, it was authorized to confer doctorate in Chemical Engineering and Technology, thus forming a complete talent training platform from undergraduate to postdoctoral. In 2018, it passed the China Engineering Education Professional Certification.

By virtue of the academic advantages of Central South University, through the intersection and integration of chemistry, medicine, pharmacy and engineering, the specialty ofchemical pharmaceuticaland biologicalpharmaceuticalhas been formed. First-class professional support platform and teaching team have been well established based on the national undergraduate teaching quality project, which firmly strengthen the training of innovativetalents.Up to now, numerous undergraduates won prizes in the competition such as the national pharmaceutical engineering design competition and college students' chemistry experiment competition. Guided by the fundamental task of establishing moral integrity in cultivation, we insist on promoting the spirit of "Knowledge into Action, In the Nations and Human Beings’ Service", and have cultivated a number of national high-level talents represented by Hu Ruyi. At present, Pharmaceutical Engineering of Central South University ranks the top 10 in China in term of the comprehensive ranking ofsubject.